Mary’s Bouquet Rosaries

Through Mary’s Bouquet your flowers can become something very profound. By turning your flowers into a rosary, you are creating a bouquet for Mary.

Hand Holding a Mary’s Flower Bouquet Rosary

About Mary’s Bouquet Rosaries

Hi I’m Ceci!  I started Mary’s Bouquet in 2021. I was inspired to create rosaries out of special occasion flowers while I was taking a rosary walk. I have been Catholic my whole life and I have a strong devotion to Mary. My favorite form of prayer is through the rosary. I have loved plants and nature, specifically flowers, my entire life. People make truly incredible art out of preserved flowers and I love the idea of preservation using clear resin. I, however, do not use the resin to create traditional blocks or coasters. Instead, I create small beads out of the resin and your flowers and turn them into a rosary.    

Through Mary’s Bouquet your flowers can become something very profound. By turning your flowers into a rosary, you are creating a bouquet for Mary. This is how I decided on the name, Mary’s Bouquet.  

I enjoy preserving flowers from every occasion: Weddings, funerals, baptisms, engagements, birthdays, etc. Through the preservation of your flowers into rosary beads not only do you get to admire your beautiful flowers forever, you also get to use them to pray.  

To Jesus through Mary

Saint Louis Marie deMontfort

Flower Preservation Process

Mary’s Bouquet rosaries are beautiful and practical. Your flowers are dried and then placed into bead molds with resin. The resin your petals are incased in is skin safe and light weight. All the beads are then linked together by hand and paired with a matching center piece and crucifix. Through the crystal-clear beads, you will be able to see your petals and hold them in you hands forever. Since this a delicate and time-consuming process, it takes over ten hours of labor to create a rosary. Depending on the amount of orders and the tediousness of the process, it may take anywhere from one to four months to complete your order.  

Mary’s Bouquet Rosaries FAQ

How many flowers do you need for a full rosary? 

I use about six flowers for a full rosary. If you have a variety of flowers that you would like in the beads you can always send more!  

How soon after my event do I ship the flowers? 

As soon as possible! The fresher your flowers are when I receive them the better the colors will turn out in the beads. Colors and shapes do change with preservation, however the fresher they are the more similar they will be to the original.  

If you are a bride to be, I highly suggest having someone else ship your flowers! Designate someone to ship your bouquet for you directly after your wedding! This way the flowers will still be fresh when I receive them and you do not have to worry about it right after your wedding.

How customizable are the rosaries? 

These rosaries are your keepsakes and contain your memories, therefore I will do the best that I can to create them exactly as you imagine them to be. If I do not have the center piece or crucifix that you would prefer you can reach out and I will try to find one that matches your description.  

The decade bracelets are also completely customizable. If you would prefer a different charm or clasp/no clasp, feel free to reach out and let me know!  

How long does the process take?

It takes me between 2-6 months to complete an order. 

Can you use already dried flowers? How old is too old to be able to use the flowers? 

Your flowers are never too old or too dry! The nice thing about previously dried flowers is that you can see the color that the beads will be before you send the flowers to me. Air dried flowers often turn darker or more yellow/brown. These colors are perfectly natural and will stay the same throughout the bead making process.  

How to care for your rosary?

To keep your beads looking beautiful keep them out of direct sunlight and UV light. Direct exposure for long periods of time can yellow your resin beads faster. To keep your crystal-clear beads in the same condition for years to come store them in a dark, dry place when not in use. You can wipe them off with a clean cloth if they appear dirty. Avoid getting completely wet. Beads are water resistant, however if water seeps in to the preserved flowers (through small holes in resin) they could brown.  

Can you use fake or silk flowers? 

Yes! I can work with any flowers real or fake. I can also work with objects occasionally depending on size, including ribbon or fabric and small plastic pieces. 

When do you expect payment?

Payments should be received before I begin your order. I will create your invoice using the order form and send it to you during the process of shipping your flowers. You can pay as soon as you receive the invoice.